As the main character of my new novel, Summer in Your Eyes is lapsed travel writer and blogger Holly Merriweather, I thought i’d ask some actual travel podcasters onto my occasional podcast cleverly entitled The Talking to My friends about Books podcast…Amy and Nick Thomson are co-creators of the What the Pho Travel Podcast—Amy-and-Nick-Thomson-from-What-The-Pho-Travel-Podcast-e28fdk6/a-a58kovAs?fbclid=IwAR0LHt6ohsGXuDUWrfhS5nEvsEGLokyBG0xqf_EjFvcJNgB11K7avUUz-XA

You can find out more about them here:


Summer in Your Eyes


Sometimes life’s greatest adventures are found closest to home . . .

Travel writer Holly Merriweather knows a fresh start is just what she needs to get her life back on track.

Breaking up with her childhood sweetheart and the collapse of their artisan cheese business definitely  didn’t help  in  that  department.
So Holly’s thrilled to score her dream job at an iconic travel book publisher. She’s ready for sunsets in Marrakech, cocktails on the French Riviera and gondola rides through the Venetian canals.

And she’s had enough of men. She’s putting herself and her career first.

But of course her new boss Jack is drop-dead gorgeous. And it turns out the job is less glamourous sightseeing and more . . . crumbling offices and a struggling family business, rocked by the death of their larger-than-life founder.

She struggles to keep things strictly professional with Jack. They begin working together to ensure the company’s legacy and uncover a local mystery. Perhaps this summer she’s heading towards the most exciting chapter of her life . . .